This week we welcome onboard Joanne South – UK Growth Coach

Were you ever formally trained in how to run, grow or develop the value of your business?
Do you sometimes think you could achieve more with more expert knowledge?
Do you work more hours for less profit than you want to?
Is your business, and are YOU, achieving your potential yet?
For the vast majority of business owners, the answers are no!

Joanne South
Our business coaches enable you to accelerate your business progress by providing education, support, and personal accountability, so that you can close the gap between your potential and your current real-world performance.
The outcome of our work is improved business performance and faster progression towards your goals, as well as greater enjoyment and happiness for you as the business owner, your team, your clients, and others you may influence.
It takes a multitude of skills and responsibilities to be a good business owner, any of which we can help you with. Whilst you are probably already an expert in your industry, you likely aren’t yet in the following areas which we can help with.
business planning
financial control
Our coaching services include:
1-2-1 coaching programmes (face-to-face or online) which are based on where your business is currently what your ambition is; whether that’s to grow and scale, have a business that can run independently of you or even if you wish to exit.
An online video education course which is affordable and accessible to business owners and senior managers.
Training services for leadership, communication, and emotional intelligence.If you’d like to explore a fit for your business, why not take up an offer for some free independent expert advice and a chance to talk about your current strategy?
We offer a complimentary 90-minute Business Review so long as your company already turns over above £100,000 per year.
During that session we will together explore how to grow your business and options for improving personal performance as a company owner.
 We also promise not to detail our services or pricing unless you ask us to do so. This is your session to talk about your business and to get to know each other better!
Joanne South
01444 440 500

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