The BHBPA Annual Quiz

In aid of Kangaroos
This year we had a great roster of teams and individuals including Extech Cloud, Leap Environmental, Bennett Oakley, Rose Media Group, Home Smart Energy, Travail, Fresh Display, Scissor Sisters, Amanda Anstee, Helen Tuddenham, Thomas Mansfield, Rewards Training, Kipper Life and Kangaroos themselves.

The lighting was not conducive to a fabulous photographic record of the evening (hey…I’m not Gibson Blanc). But I share a few smiling faces from the evening below. 

I have my own team of individual players (The Usual Suspects) and this year we almost did it…it was neck and neck until the final round, we almost beat the team that has now won this quiz an astonishing THREE times in the last three years. The Rose Media team will go down in the annals of BHBPA Quiz history. Can they make it a fourth year running? We’ll have to wait another year to find out. 

All fun aside, and a lot of fun was had on Tuesday evening, I’d like to thank everyone who came along and participated. Thanks to Dee and Lance and the team at The Woolpack for putting on another great quiz night.  

Together we raised a great total!

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