Global Occupational Health Solutions

Global Occupational Health Solutions

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  3. Global Occupational Health Solutions
Global OHS 6 Loyal Parade, Mill Rise, Westdene, Brighton, United Kingdom BN1 5GG

Our aim is to help companies and organisations support their people. We provide a health and wellbeing service to empower all parties to make positive choices. Resilience makes good business sense.

Even with the most proactive wellbeing services some ill-health is inevitable so ensuring that your staff are supported and are receiving the appropriate care is vital. Providing early, evidence based and robust advice allows managers to support their staff effectively.

We provide a case management approach to workplace attendance, signposting individuals to available local services to improve their health, and where appropriate, writing to expedite hospital treatment. Recommendations are written in conjunction with management and individual, ensuring all adjustments, recommendations and support are realistic for each workplace setting


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